Chairman Meow poster design: The Feline Ministry of Propaganda has released a new, glorious, design to honor Dear Leader Chairman Meow.
*Warning: Before viewing the new Chairman Meow poster design, please have tissues ready, as you may be brought to tears of Kitteh patriotism:
Behold, Chairman Meow Poster: Long Live the Kitty!

*Full title of artwork: “Chairman Meow, long live the noble kitteh who is loved by many man, who, in kind, he loveth, too.”

Capitalist Pigs: Chairman Meow t-shirt available at
*This would be perfect material gift for the Capitalist orgy that you partake in on December 25th!
Chairman Meow: Warrior Poet
Great Leader Chairman Meow is many things to many people: Teacher, Leader, Fighter, Poet, Fuzzy Lover…
Chairman Meow envisions a glorious golden future time of peace and prosperity; with a kitteh in every home, and salmon in every ocean, stream, and swimming pool.
Chairman Meow Say, “Do Not Believe Fake News”

You may hear many lies about Chairman Meow from the mainstream media. Such fictitious claims include that he did not personally rid Ireland of snakes, or that he does not possess a potentially dangerous shiny thing.
But, do not believe this fake news.
Get yourself some Chairman Meow propaganda, stop your harmful “mind-thought,” and support the Kitty Revolution!
If you support the Kitty Revolution, please feel free to leave a comment below: